There is more, He has a better plan for you.

The Lord hears the cries of his daughters, he knows the pain in their hearts, the emptiness they try to seek to fill in places outside of Him.  He hears you, He is calling to you, He is knocking.  Open the door.


I can’t even qualify today as “one of those days”.  It really stunk.  From the moment I woke up, it wasn’t going to be my best day ever.  Regardless of what type of mindset I was trying to get myself in.  And it grew more difficult as the day progressed.  In fact, I sit here at the end of my day with eyes red and sore from crying.  Not recent crying, but that all day long crying.

This isn’t a bout of depression, or the deliverance of some horrific news.  It’s a response due cumulative events, that overwhelmed my heart, mind and soul.

It felt like the only time I wasn’t crying this evening, was in that moment I fell asleep because crying had exhausted me.

Then, as I sat down to eat some marshmallows, with some sort of notion that would make me feel better, I decided to peruse Facebook.  And, Facebook … for all the complaints that can be said about it… today, it won.

Because, all things can be used for the glory of God.

It started when I saw this:


And then this:


And it just kept coming:





The timing couldn’t have been more divinely appointed.  They were the reminders I needed, the things I needed to hear.

Reminding me:

  • I am not alone, in having bad days.  Someone wrote these, because they too had a bad day.
  • I am not alone, on my bad days.  Friends, family and GOD are always with me.  Just a phone call or a silent prayer away.
  • God’s promises are a part of my good days and bad days, I can rely on Him, He is my peace.
  • I may not be able to control things, but God can.  I just have to trust.
  • I may not understand the why, but I can understand the WHO that will help me through it.

God sees our tears.  He hears our cries.  His heart breaks, when our heart breaks.  He knows what is happening.  He will go before us, and follow behind.  For my God provides for the sparrows of the fields, and I am far more valuable than they.